How to expose MerchOps Job schedules in the IR platform
- Request from dev the source feed GUID, so in the example above the source name is “Scrape” Note: the GUID you may get back could be lower case, if so it needs to be conversed ALWAYS to upper case i.e 5156399F-AD57-4336-8FBB-A06434E02814
- Also ensure the source feed type is set to "IR-Scrape"
- Ensure there is a schedule in Merchops for the job that contains both the Marechanty GUID and Feed GUID – all in upper case. You may need to use “Azure Explorer” to add these details so look for the following folder and the MerchOps Project name. Edit the json schedule so its in the following format
"best_server": null,
"created": "2024-11-21, 09:20:27",
"cronexpression": "1 4 * * *",
"id": "b615919192d415301f4424a4e7284175",
"last_updated": "2024-12-06, 12:57:20",
"merchant_guid": "E3B570D8-7E1D-4CBE-B059-F35EAE5F6F7D",
"name": "ococorozashijp",
"next_run": "04:01:00",
"spider_name": "spider",
"status": "active"
3. Set the following in the IR platform
4. Find the following Merchops job “rakutenlogs” and add the project Name to the settings. Once all are in place it may be 24 hours before it appears in the platform.