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  2. Marketplace Module

Shopify Marketplace Feed Options (Export Products, Import Orders)

List of available Feed Option when setting up a marketplace connection to Shopify (where we export products, and import orders)

Shopify.AccessToken - String

The Token used to connect to the client's Shopify environment. It should start with 'shpat_'. 

A guide on how to generate an access token: https://www.shopify.com/au/partners/blog/17056443-how-to-generate-a-shopify-api-token

Shopify.DefaultLocationId - Numerical

The Default Location ID for the Client's Shopify Store. Additional information can be found here: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/locations/setting-up-your-location-fulfillments#change-the-default-location

Shopify.Domain - String

The URL Domain for the client's Shopify Store

Shopify.FieldsToIgnoreForUpdates - String - Optional

A comma separated list of field names we won't pass data to, during product updates.

Shopify.OutOfStockAction - String  - Optional

Set the default action for products that are set to 0 quantity in our system. Defaults to Nothing

Available Values:



Shopify.FulfillmentNotifyCustomer - Boolean  - Optional

This option is used to enable an email notification to be sent to the customer, when the order is dispatched