Feed File History on Data Visualiser

We have added a new feature to our Data Visualiser!

With a simple click of a button you can now view your feed history and export it!

Under your Partner feed on the Data Visualiser you can see the button "Feed File History"

This will then bring out the side slider which shows you your History Trend and a breakdown of your feeds each time you updated. To the side of each update you will then be able to download this feed.

Partner Feed File History

You can now also find your Partner Feed File History on your Data Visualiser.

Simply scroll down to your Partner information at the bottom

Click on Feed File History and you will see a slider pop out with all the feed files you can download

Marketplace Feed File History

Similar to the Source Feeds and Partner Feeds, if you have Marketplaces set up you are able to get the Feed File History from your Data Visualiser.

Navigate to your Marketplace at the bottom of the Data Visualiser and click on Feed File History

This will bring out the slider, but for Marketplaces you will be able to see the API Export & Response files