Marketplace Orders API

What is and why should you use it?

This service allows you to retrieve any orders created on external marketplaces that have been imported into the Intelligent Reach platform.  You can these use this to create those orders in your platform, and notify our platform of any updates so that we can send these out to the appropriate marketplace.

What will you need from IR to get started

You will need to create an account in and subscribe to the Marketplace API here.  Once you have done this please notify our support team and they will authorise you and setup credentials for you to use to consume the API.
You will also need API credentials which you can request for our support team.

Information about the API

The API uses REST as the format and the documentation is located here.
Test orders can be created via our platform under "Trading > Marketplace Orders" located here.
There are two ways to get orders:
  • You can get orders based on the imported date range - so you can use a rolling window to get orders (we suggest a 5 minute overlap between dates to account for slight time differences).  This method is GetMarketplaceOrders.
  • You can get orders by status - you would get each order with status Unshipped and then use the "Acknowledge" call to change the status from Unshipped to Acknowledge so you would not get that order again in the initial call.  This method is GetMarketplaceOrdersByStatus.
Note: Custom attributes are stored in the field "shippingInformation" that might be useful based on the partner, these include:
  • MarketplaceShippingService - shipping service returned by marketplace which differs based on options.
  • UserId - User ID on marketplace if applicable.
  • DeliveryNotes - Delivery notes related to order.
  • InStorePickupStoreId - Instore Pickup Store ID if instore pickup enabled and supported on marketplace.
Specific marketplace options:
  • EBayShippingType - eBay Shipping Type.
  • AmazonFulfillmentMethod - Amazon Fulfillment Method
  • AmazonFulfillmentServiceLevel - Amazon Fulfillment Service Level