Magento 2 Customer Intergration Steps

Steps for what access the client needs to make for M2 intergrations

To give us access to the Magento API, the below steps need to be followed:

  • Create a set of access credentials for the Magento 2 REST API that has permissions to:
    • Products
    • Catalog
    • Inventory
  • They need to provide us with the Magento 2 Domain URL (if different to the front-facing shop URL)
  • Provide us with the StoreView Name/ID (if not just the default store view)
  • Confirm if they are using HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA256 for their authorisation (we can test both if they aren't sure)
  • And finally we need:
    • Consumer Key
    • Consumer Secret
    • Access Token
    • Token Secret
    • Is the connection using OAuth or Bearer token?