How do I update my eBay shipping details?

To change your eBay postage rules, you will need to create or adjust shipping policies, and apply that policy to each product using the IR system.
1. First you should go to your “manage active listings” page on eBay, and click “Business Policies” in the bar on the left hand side:
2. You will now see a list of all existing shipping, returns, and payment policies. Either click an existing one to edit, or click “create policy” then mouse down to “postage”.
From here you can select whether you want free shipping, flat rate shipping, or calculated shipping. You can also check the box to apply combined postage discounts and postage rules (see associated ticket) and the handling time. International shipping works much the same way, but you will need to select which region you wish to post to.The Domestic Postage Rate Table down the bottom allows you to set different prices per KG for different regions. This is a relatively complex process, so we encourage working with your IR account manager on this. Once finalised, press saved, and you’ll be taken back to the main screen.
3. Once you have all your policies set up, you’ll need to use us the policy ID, and the conditions you’d like each one to be assigned under.Click on your newly made policy, and look up at the URL to find the ID number. Copy these digits and send them to your account manager, letting them know what the policy is and what conditions you would like it applied under.
For example, you may wish to have free shipping on products of $99 and above, and $9.95 shipping for products below. In this case you would email your account manager explaining that you would like policy 1 applied on all items valued $99 or higher, and policy 2 applied on all items valued lower than $99. We will then apply a rule replacing the shipping policy with the ones you have shared, if these conditions are met.