IR Product Data APIs


Please be aware that you will need to have access to the platform and the account you are creating credentials for. If you do not have this access already, then please reach out to your Customer

What is and why should you use it?

This service allows you to send us information on your products, and inventory levels - both online and instore.

The GUID to use with the API should be your merchant GUID located in Setup > Merchant in our portal. If you require Staging and Production GUIDs or a custom set up, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or the Enablement Team.


Information about the API
The API uses REST as the format and the documentation is located here.
If sending large amounts of data use sensible page sizes (recommended max 5000), and gzip compress for best results.
You can use the get methods to test results.
When sending products to us you can send either product as parent (with nested variants), or as variants only.  The Meta field is dynamic so you can send any valid json within.
How to get authorised as a developer to use the APIs
You will need to share our Postman documentation with your Data Development Team which is available here -  You must be able to provide product data in JSON format and a delta feed.
Once you have this, please direct your Developers to our Developer API Admin Page using the steps below.
In the platform go to Setup and then Developer API Admin.
Click Create Credentials
 This will then open up the slider to set up your credentials.
Enter a name for the credentials, then under PIM select if you would like to access Read/Write or both and hit create credentials.
This will then create your API Key and API Secret

Please note that we do not store the API Secret key, please make sure you copy and save down your API Secret key safely.


If you do lose you secret you are able to regenerate new keys.

Back on the Developer API Key page, you will see all the  API credentials you have set up within the platform. Here you will have the option to Revoke, Regenerate keys - if you lose your API Secret and View and Edit the permissions for each.

Please be aware that if you are revoking your credentials then this could take up to an hour to take effect

You will then want to kick off your internal development project, setup a test source feed (or test merchant) to import the data from the Product APIs and validate the data in which our DQ team can help here

Once this is all completed you can go live and take advantage of faster source feed imports and review the frequency of your build schedules!